Makeup Bag Makeover

£190.00 90 minutes

Do you feel like your current makeup routine has you “stuck in rut”? Do you feel like you would like to try a new makeup routine but not sure how to go about it? Or maybe, you would like to buy some new makeup products, but are not sure about what your skin needs or what colours will suit your complexion & eye colour?
Or maybe you recently bought some new products but not sure where to start and how to use it?


Do you feel like your current makeup routine has you “stuck in rut”? Do you feel like you would like to try a new makeup routine but not sure how to go about it? Or maybe, you would like to buy some new makeup products, but are not sure about what your skin needs or what colours will suit your complexion & eye colour?
Or maybe you recently bought some new products but not sure where to start and how to use it?

In my Makeup Bag Makeover class, (which happens to be my most popular class) I will teach you how to use the products you already have and fill in the gaps of makeup products you may need during a live demonstration.

Makeup Bag Makeover Class consists of:

A customized, virtual or in person makeup class demonstration that makes sure you have the correct products you need in your makeup bag.

Teach you how to apply a basic complexion application that you can build on.

I will help you choose the correct textures for your skin type.

We will discuss how to choose and apply a correct colour foundation and concealer for your skin type.

I will also help you choose your best colours for a classic, everyday look.

Help you choose the correct skin prep for an easier makeup application.

Discuss with you out expired makeup products.

Help you determine if you have the right tools for the job.

We can completely customize this class to suit all your needs.

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